3 Signs You Need to Become an Entrepreneur

The young workforce is filled with many an entrepreneur.  Talented individuals, booming with entrepreneurial spirit.  Fortunately, a good many of them are pouring that talent into their current role.  Leading new projects, proposing new ideas, on the cutting edge of change in their company or industry.  Some entrepreneurs are leaders in their respective organizations and they pour that startup mentality into the culture they create.  Others may use their creativity in side work, or volunteerism.

Sadly, though, many are not doing any of the above.  Desperate to be put to good use, but sitting quietly, plodding along.  Anxious to flex their creativity, but lacking the motivation in the current field of work to do just that.  The common trait is their subconscious desperation, almost daily, to “do something else”.

This exact thought nagging them like the repetitious tapping of a pencil on a desk.  Those of you that are running your own business or on the verge of doing so know what exactly I’m talking about.  You may have the desire, and affirmation that you need to move on, and then the question becomes when.  After all, there are a few consistent themes among the corporate quitters and entrepreneurs.

So, if you’re seeing any of these signs in your daily life (and most likely all of them), then it’s time to think about moving on…soon!

  1. Total Fulfillment Letdown

There are many reasons you might feel unsatisfied in your career.  Maybe it’s that you’re underpaid, waiting on a promotion, maybe you’re with the wrong company.  Maybe you need to go smack your college guidance counselor.  But, just maybe you have had great experiences, done well in your career and made good money.  Everything you thought would have led to a happy professional life, but hasn’t.  When you drive home at the end of the day, you contemplate why you keep going in at all?

Being unfulfilled in the corporate world morphs many employees into entrepreneurs.  If your salary and title keep you happy and willing to stay, then stay.  But if you long for something more, and promotions, salary raises, and other perks just don’t do it for you, start thinking more seriously about what you ultimately want to do for the rest of your life.  It could not get any more important than this.

  1. Creativity Drain

When you think about your current role and your day-to-day activities, how much of it utilizes your skillset?  Specifically, your creative thinking?  Regardless of what level of the organization you’re in, there may be times where you drift off to other ideas.  Things you would rather be doing, inventing, creating.  Some of this is just simple daydreaming of course and we all do it.  Some of it is much deeper than that, however.  Maybe you can take that creativity and be more aggressive in your current role.  Or another company or industry.  Which is absolutely possible.  In this scenario, put together an action plan on what you’d like to “create.”

There is a chance, of course, that you should start exploring some of those other thoughts a little further.  If you’re not building on your creativity, you’re losing it.  Take the brainstorming to the next level, see if there’s a valid business opportunity there, and go for it.

  1. Constant Improvement OCD

When it comes to improving things, do you get a rush of adrenaline?  Excitement follows when you’re asked to tackle a problem at work.  Dissecting it and finding a solution is more fun than any other part of your job.  How about in your personal life?  Always wanting to learn more or study other things outside of your normal routine.  These are definitely common traits of entrepreneurs.  By the way, you get loads of constant improvement opportunities in a startup.

Of course, this list could go on and on, these are just a few of the first hints that you should consider making a change to becoming an entrepreneur.  Many corporate jobs fulfill the needs of an entrepreneur, but many do not.  Some companies embrace creativity and entrepreneurial spirit, and some do not.  Find what you need to be doing with your career.  Period.  If you can’t find it where you are now, get out.