3 Reasons We Keep Crappy Jobs

Why do we keep crappy jobs?  What is it inside of us that keeps so many passively accepting our role each day?  We meander our way through a lengthy and mundane career, collecting our 2% annual raise, and a fistful of vacation days, while dreading the majority of our waking hours each day.  Occasionally, the “what am I doing” moment occurs, usually sitting in traffic on a 75 minute commute.  We are hit with an epiphany, as if the thought of dwelling on our personal wellbeing had never occurred to us before.  As that interstate gridlock opens up, usually our minds shift back to “reality” – aka the lie we believe every day, that we are trapped.

Sometimes like a hamster in a wheel, we go through the motions at work, never really understanding why.  Obviously, there is a why – to earn a living, have the safety of health insurance, protect your family, save for retirement, on and on.  It makes sense, I get it.  We can’t all quit our jobs and move to a tropical island and sell coconut drinks to tourists.  But the why that we need to understand is, why THAT job?  Why that industry, or field?  Why that career?  Why that position or that company?

These questions go largely unasked and as a result, unanswered.  Maybe the answer is, because it’s just the way it is.  Or, because this is what I was taught or told to do.  We accept these answers because everyone else does too.  We go into massive debt on a college education in a field we don’t want to pursue, because everyone else does.  The cycle is admittedly hard to break.  Truthfully, the reason we put up with a crappy job can really be boiled down to 3 reasons:

#3Complacency – We conform to what we’re used to, and it becomes comfortable.  Sure, deep down we have that longing to do something else, and break free, but it’s rarely strong enough to stir action.  Making excuses like, “it could always be worse” or “at least I have a job” create bubbles of security.  We collect a paycheck, have a 401k, and a health plan, and hey, we’ve even got friends at work.  Buying into the lie that this is the only option, keeps us semi-satisfied, right where we are.

#2 – Laziness – That yearning or, at minimum, curiosity for another job or career or pursuit is out there, and yet, we do nothing about it.  We allow the complacency mentioned above, to eat us alive.  Taking action on our desire for a new adventure or major change requires effort.  It may mean getting up early, working through lunch, or staying up late.  Or, God forbid, make us miss another binge night of Netflix!  Making daily sacrifices on important things for these little luxuries costs our future dearly.  In the end, sometimes we’re just not willing to make the effort, and the risk in staying put is greater than we think.

#1 – Fear – Fear is the real killer here – public enemy #1.  Like the grim reaper lurking around every corner, fear snags us and pulls us back under our desks.  It will keep us complacent and make us lazy.  Fear paralyzes us with exaggerated scenarios of epic failure played out in our heads.  We are too afraid to take the first couple steps towards change.  What if I screw up?  What if  I embarrass myself?  What if I make a mistake?  The questions of what “could be” keep us floating on by – stuck.

These daily subliminal terrorists can be beat, but it takes effort, above all else.  First, acknowledge that they exist and second, come up with a game plan to win.  Stop accepting mediocrity and take control of what you want to do – don’t keep that crappy job!