Get Rich Advice: According to Steve Jobs

Wealth has a way of disillusioning us. Riches can make us do crazy things, make poor choices, and sacrifice things we should not, all in the vain of accumulating more of it. When we reach the next financial level, the one we assured ourselves would be “enough” we quickly adjust our mindset and strive for the next tier of wealth. Feeling insufficient we critique our life through a series of status symbols. The car we drive isn’t new enough; our home suddenly needs remodeling, or new furniture. Vacations, once satisfying and refreshing, become boring, as we seek bigger and better excursions. This cycle quickly begins to look like a hamster wheel, constantly moving forward, yet not really going anywhere.

Unfortunately, this path in life doesn’t normally expose itself until late in life, when the sickening feeling of what we’ve given up, or missed out on, sets in. Usually by then it’s too late. Realizing the accumulation of wealth and material things has not provided the fulfillment so desperately sought. Only then, we realize the time spent, never to be returned, on senseless efforts of overindulgence.

Steve Jobs once said, “My favorite things in life don’t cost any money. It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.”

Steve Jobs had the wealth so many of us strive for, and he had the awareness that despite his monetary success, it had nothing to do with his happiness and satisfaction in life. The discovery of true riches does not need to come in 9th inning of life. We spend over 15 hours a day awake and able to make a difference with our lives, and we should start now. Don’t procrastinate. It’s easier said than done, but all too often, we put off important decisions and actions to make meaningless ones instead. We think of time as a luxury, rather than the commodity that it is. We need to leverage our time as best as we can.

Let’s reflect on what true value is. Essential to becoming rich, truly rich, is discovering true value. True value is not a new C-Class. It is not another pair of heels, or a $100 bottle of wine. True value is untarnished with time, and it does not fade away. Finding your purpose in life – that is true value. Finding the people who make your life fulfilled is truly valuable. Building relationships, serving others, working with a purpose, strengthening your faith – that is true wealth. Using your time, to the absolute best of your ability each and every day, will help you become rich.