Food For Thought: What If Nothing In Life Changed?

What if nothing ever changed?  Have you thought about that before? Some of us are very change adverse. Changing jobs, changing cities, even changing hairstyles can freak us out. True “change: gets a bad rap at times. Elderly people are notorious for fighting change, but that’s not the kind of change I’m talking about.  How about the transformation of character, or of goals and dreams throughout your life? In that case, everyone wants a change, right? We all aspire to be more, do more, travel more, run more, and so on.

So my question is, what if none of your “life path” did ever change? What if your personal development stayed along the relatively stagnant path you’re on now? If the career trajectory was maintained? Some may be thrilled and certainly well satisfied. The majority of us, however, would not. We crave more, and desire something different than where we are at the moment.

If you could fast-forward and glimpse your life scenario in 3-5 years, would you be disappointed if you were in relatively the same place as you are now? Most likely you would. So what is it that keeps so many of us complacent and passive when it comes to taking charge of our work and career? We need to be the change we expect to see, and it will require work.

This is alike to the popular reality TV show “The Biggest Loser“.  Each year, thousands of entries are submitted and a select group of contestants are awarded the chance to have their lives truly changed by massive weight loss.  While the progress gained by so many of the contests is phenomenal, it is devastating to watch those that leave the show early regress right back to their prior weight.  But, we are all in this boat in one degree or another, aren’t we?  Desperately seeking positive change, but often defeated and sent back to where we began. Crippled by fear and uncertainty, we take little to no action, and stick with what we know is safe.

A great quote I stumbled on recently is, “If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading (Lao Tzu).” Wow!  So, we all want a bright future with our personal goals and aspirations met, yet, so few of us are willing to make positive momentum towards it. Be encouraged, change begins with the first step!