Don’t Care About Your Job? This is Why

When you read this headline, maybe the answer came to you almost instantaneously. It used to for me too. The immediate answer may be “Because I really couldn’t care less about this job”. Maybe you work hard. Always giving it your all, and aspiring to move ahead in every job you’ve had. However, working hard and striving for career progress didn’t mean you care about THIS job, am I right? Retail sales, administration, customer service, engineering, hospitality, whatever that field is, the answer may the same. If we are not interested in the greater good of what we are pursuing daily, we are not engaged. We settle at the wrong companies, have the wrong boss, pursue the wrong education, or land in the wrong industry. On and on our snowball rolls.

Recently, top employee engagement factors have included

  • Relationship with immediate supervisor
  • Belief in senior leadership
  • Pride in working for the company.

This is just a few of the many reasons we don’t stay engaged in our jobs. We want to feel apart of something and believe in that “something” that we’re working for. When we don’t, disconnection ensues. Soon, our minds drift to the 8 other things we’d rather be doing. Of course, this disengagement further exacerbates the working relationship we have on the job. Studies show that this is the majority of us; going to a job we don’t have any connection to.

Think of the productivity cost of this disengagement? What if companies were truly able to channel all the power and focus of their employees? That company would be unstoppable. They would create immense value for their customers. Rather than a body in a seat to grind away, there would be an energized and effective producer. And who doesn’t want that? Sounds like a win-win to me.

As employees, however, the headliner that we routinely neglect: WE have the power to change this. Sure, on the holistic level, companies are losing billions of dollars by not solving the employee disengagement piece. But, that’s their issue. You have control over your situation. Choose to have a better attitude. Become better than the environment you work in. Move along to a company that shares your vision. Pursue your own business. Chase your dreams. Regardless of what works for you, make your own decision. It is your future, no one else’s.